
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Basic Figures


1-Beginning at the initial position, the couple must bend their knees slightly.

2-Both dancers take a step to the side, keeping their knees bent.

3-The man takes a step forward and crosses his right foot. She crosses her left foot while receding. They are not right in front of each other anymore.

4-Keeping the position of his right foot, he goes forward with his left one; while his partner leans on her left foot and recedes with her right one.

5-The man moves his right foot until it is together with his left one, while he turns his shoulder back with a slight movement. This forces his partner to cross her left foot in front of her right one.

6-She is forced to recede with her right foot, while leaning on her left one. At that moment, he goes forward with his left foot.

7-The shove forces them both to take a step to the sides: she takes it with her left foot and he does it with his right one.

8-They both have to put their feet together, she does it by moving her right foot, and he does it by moving his left one.


Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the same as in the Simple Exit.
5-The man stops his pace at the 4th time, and guides his partner in the 5th and 6th time, who crosses her left foot in front of her right one.

6-She fixes her left foot and uses it as an axis to cross her right foot in front of it.

7-She fixes her right foot and uses it as an axis to cross her left foot in front of it, while her partner moves his right foot until it is together with his left one.

8-The 10 times are completed in the same way as the last three steps in the Simple Exit.

The couple should be looking into each others eyes, the shoulders position must be parallel, and the woman’s movement must begin in her hips, without going too far from her partner, and without putting her feet up from the floor.


This movement is used to avoid an obstacle, since the previous figures go to the sides and the go forward, we must recede so we can continue with the Simple Exit or with the Eight.


1–Knees bent

2–The man recedes with his right foot, and his partner goes forward with the opposite foot, both of them have their knees bent.

3–He crosses his left foot over his right one; and she crosses her right foot behind her left one.

4–He recedes with his right foot, while his partner goes forward by moving her left foot.

5–The woman follows her partner, who cuts this cadence with a step towards left, while she does the corresponding step towards right.

6-The last three steps are like the ones in the Simple Exit.

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